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This year will be a transformative one for the love life of every zodiac sign. The astrology of 2022 was marked by doing deep relationship work—and in 2023, this trend continues. Last year was all about learning how to truly unplug from toxic relationships. This work continues until July 17, 2023 while the Lunar South Node of Destiny remains in Scorpio. From that moment on, the vibe changes as Libra, the sign of connections, takes hold for the next eighteen months.

Overall, 2023 is about consciously relating as the universe encourages you to search for more independence and find the courage to truly express your needs. The relationships that are based on co-dependence and debilitating selflessness will end and fall from grace.

Master teacher Saturn entering Pisces in early March also means boundaries play a key role, not only in 2023 but until May of 2025. The great news: Relationships that enjoy healthy boundaries, openness, and true friendship will be elevated. Magnanimous Jupiter will inspire many signs to propose, get married, and even meet the love of our lives, most likely from May until the mid-summer.

Whether you’re single, coupled up, or in a situationship, the dates below can guide you toward manifesting the love life of your dreams:

February 2023

Venus entered romantic Pisces on January 26, beginning a three-week period in which love, pleasure, and romance are at their peak (yes, for the whole year!). Lasting through February 20, this time will be positive for all signs’ love lives, but Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces get special favor from the love goddess. If you are single, put yourself out there now! If things have been rocky in your relationship, the vibe is appropriate for smoothing things out. (Makeup sex, anyone?)

  • February 1: Eros enters Capricorn In astrology, asteroid Eros rules erotic love and desire. Its position in the sky denotes which kinds of lovers you will find irresistible. As it enters Capricorn, where it will stay until March 24, your sexual instincts will attract you to folks who balance being ambitious and successful with staying grounded.
  • February 4: Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini – With the cosmic lovers (Venus and Mars) clashing in the sky, there could be trouble in paradise if a sexual or romantic partner dares to cross your boundaries. If you recently started dating someone, take this opportunity to define the relationship. Long-term partners can harness the sexual tension in the bedroom, rather than talking about it.
  • February 8: Juno conjunct Chiron in Aries – When the asteroid of commitment and the asteroid of healing have this rare meetup in the sky, it’s time to create awareness around unions. Are you afraid of commitment? Do you respect the promises you make? Or perhaps you stay in relationships beyond their expiration date? Doing this deep work now will set you up for success in the romance department.
  • February 15: Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces – By far the most romantic combination, this annual astral aspect will inspire couples who have healthy relationships with well-defined boundaries. Singles should put themselves out there, as they could meet the person of their dreams before Venus enters Aries on February 19.

March 2023

While March could be positive for certain areas of your life, it will be transformational for your relationships as a total of four(!) planetary bodies activate Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Themes around commitment, individuality, freedom, and healing relationships will be the norm. If you ever wanted to try individual or couples counseling, this is the time to do so. All signs will feel this push to self-reflect, but Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn signs may feel its effect more intensely.

  • March 3 – March 12: Venus and Jupiter conjunct Chiron in Aries Any unprocessed relationship baggage and even trauma could be replayed in your relationships during this time. Daring to admit and acknowledge past wounds can create a golden opportunity to heal and overcome them, which will lead to healthier relationship patterns.
  • March 11 – May 2: Juno enters Taurus – Singles—especially Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn—are now more prone to desire commitments, which are bound to last long-term. Meanwhile, couples should seek moments of pampering and relaxation, which should bring them closer together.
  • March 16: Venus enters Taurus –Love goddess Venus returns to her throne now, infusing everyone with the desire to enjoy life’s pleasures and deeper connections. Sensuality is highlighted for singles and couples of all zodiac signs. Take advantage of this combination, as you won’t feel similar vibes until the fall!
  • March 25: Mars enters Cancer – Sexual desires take a turn now, becoming less unpredictable and more emotional. Singles should play for keeps over the next two months, especially Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn signs. Couples will feel less social as their desire to nest deepens.
  • March 25: Eros enters Aquarius – Erotic desires become less serious until June 13 as Eros enters unconventional Aquarius. Opportunities for open relationships are bound to come up for certain signs, especially Gemini, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. Intellectual and eccentric types become irresistible for the next full months, as being smart is super hot.

April 2023

The relationship work that started in May continues for the first part of the month, most likely showing good results for those who dared to dance with their shadow. And heads up: Eclipse season arrives mid-April to shake up in your love life. Known for closing and opening doors, eclipses will lead you to do both, ending and beginning relationships from now until mid-May. Pay attention to the signs, as the universe will bring you closer to your romantic destiny!

  • April 5: Full Moon in Libra – Libra is the sign of balance and partnerships, asking you to get real with yourself as well as others by expressing your needs. The full moon will impact all signs, but Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn will feel it more intensely as decisions need to be made.
  • April 10: Venus enters Gemini –Sexting becomes the new dating norm with the planet of pleasure in one of the most fun and communicative signs. Couples should definitely try getting sextual when apart. Meanwhile, singles should expect to be indecisive between two prospects during these three weeks.
  • April 19: New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Aries – This eclipse is the beginning of an era, as eclipses define themes that will remain active for the next year and a half. Any relationship that begins now feels either “destined” or “meant to be.” A soulmate connection could reappear now or over the next four weeks.

May 2023

Major shifts are in store with eclipse season in full swing and Mercury retrograde bringing miscommunications. Before making any decisions, make sure you have the full story and practice patience. Endings will be in store this month, but that doesn’t mean they’ll be all bad. For some, the end of a relationship could bring a positive outcome. Eclipse season officially ends on May 21, when life becomes more predictable.

  • May 2 – June 22: Juno enters Gemini – Singles (especially Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) are more likely to commit to fun and outgoing folks. Couples should seek to change up their dating routine, as all zodiac signs will hunger for variety with this sign-asteroid combination.
  • May 7: Venus enters Cancer –This planet-water sign combination has all signs playing for keeps! One-night stands are not the vibe now, as everyone is protective of their heart. And for couples who are trying to conceive, success is a strong possibility during this time.
  • May 5: Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio – This is the grand finale of a story that began back in January of 2022 and the best full moon of the year to end a toxic relationship. Whether that’s a romance or friendship that’s no longer serving you, it’s time to cut ties, especially if you are a Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius.
  • May 16: Jupiter enters Taurus – This is a super-lucky combination for Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn! Many people with the Sun, Moon, Venus, or Rising sign in these three signs will meet someone new, get engaged, get married, or have a baby between now and May of 2024. Congratulations!
  • May 20: Mars enters Leo – Sex becomes the most fun thing to have when the planet of masculine energy is in flashy Leo. Single? Take suggestive selfies and send them to your crush. If you’re already taken, this is the time to make your partner feel like a sex god or goddess! All signs will reap the sexy bennies of this sign-planet combo, but it’s best for Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.

June 2023

June is one of the sweetest months of 2023, when the planets will be kissing to bring all zodiac signs moments of happiness. The two cosmic hitters, Jupiter and Saturn, will be collaborating to help couples grow together and singles meet the love of their dreams. If you’re looking for connection, this is the month to spend time refining your online dating profile—or finally asking that hottie out!

  • June 5: Venus enters Leo – Pleasure goddess Venus joins Mars in Leo, and for the next three weeks, the legendary cosmic lovers speak the same language. Passion meets pleasure, love meets lust, and attraction meets action! Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius will feel this effect the strongest.
  • June 11: Eros enters Pisces – With the asteroid of erotic desires in the most romantic of all signs, making your kinks a reality is very possible for the next month. Just make sure to express your boundaries (and agree on a safeword) before getting busy.
  • June 22: Juno enters Cancer – Marriage goddess and the sign of Cancer make the perfect pair. This is when someone may pop the big question, and many will say a loud “yes”! If you’re the one proposing, make sure to do it before mid-July, which is when Venus goes retrograde.

July 2023

If you’re in the market for a summer fling, schedule all your meet-ups for early July, before the retrograde of Venus. This somewhat rare event begins on July 22, but you might start feeling it before, especially if you are a Leo or Aquarius. While it’s not a good time to date or take a relationship to the next level, it is a positive time to figure out what you truly desire in the relationship and pleasure department. Stay tuned!

  • July 2: Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus – Pay attention to what comes up for you in the realm of relationships now, as what happens around today could very well become a theme for the next few months. It is a preview of the Venus retrograde, which begins on July 22 and ends on September 3.
  • July 10: Mars enters Virgo – Single or attached, this combination will make you picky when it comes to sex. Dirty lovers need not apply for the next few weeks. Clean and safe sex becomes a top priority, especially for Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces signs.

Watch this to learn which zodiac sign pairs the stars give their stamp of approval:

preview for 6 Compatible Zodiac Pairs
  • July 11: Eros returns to Aquarius – Erotic asteroid Eros returns to Aquarius due to its retrograde motion. From now until December, expect lovers from the past to return, wanting to repeat a kinky experience that took place between March 25 and June 11.
  • July 17: Lunar North Node enters Libra – For the next year and a half, relationships will transform in a major way. The relationships that lack balance and a fair energetic give-and-take will end. But regardless of your relationship status, the cosmos now encourage you to seek true harmony, balance, and grace. This will be most intense for Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.

August 2023

“How strong (and real) is your love?” is the cosmic question of the month as the ultimate love goddess, Venus, moves backwards in the sky throughout August. Because this retrograde only occurs every eighteen months, it packs a punch, and every single zodiac sign will feel it. However, it will be more intense for Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. The relationships that end now were not meant to be, and the ones that survive will become stronger.

  • August 13: Sun in Leo conjunct Venus in Leo – This will inspire you to make major adjustments in all relationships, but especially romantic ones. Today, set some time aside to ask yourself what you truly want, as the light of the Sun delivers some aha moments.
  • August 15: Juno enters Leo – The relationship pressure intensifies as the asteroid of commitment enters Leo, the same part of the sky where the love planet, Venus, is currently in retrograde. Don’t succumb to saying “yes” if what you truly mean to say is a big “no.”
  • August 23 – September 15: Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo –The retrogrades of the planet of communication are very common. However, this one will overlap with the retrograde of Venus from August 23 to September 3. Seek a slower pace of life, and embrace deep introspection now.
  • August 27: Mars enters Libra – While this planet-sign combination is not the best for having wild sex, it is positive for communicating and behaving diplomatically. Single or attached, try embodying this classy combo for the next few weeks—especially if you are an Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn. (Your love life will benefit, promise!)

September 2023

Change is the name of the game within your closest bonds this month as you put the finishing touches on figuring out what you truly want. If this resonates with you, don’t make any major decisions until the last week of September, which is when the light of the Sun will guide you in communicating clearly and from the heart.

  • September 3: Venus goes direct in Leo – Look back to the themes that have been present for you in romantic relationships but also friendships since July 22. This summer was about putting your deepest needs first and only giving your energy to people who want to see you shine!
  • September 4: Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus – If you are one of the lucky peeps (perhaps a Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn) who made a lot of progress in love since Jupiter entered sensual Taurus on May 15, be patient now. As Jupiter takes a five-month nap, this love explosion is expected to contract a little.
  • September 22: Sun enters Libra/Fall Equinox –The overall energy in the sky is shifting and reinvigorated today. With communication getting back to normal and your diplomacy tactics on point, you can make moves and be clear about your desires.
  • September 29: Full Moon in Aries – The full moon will be particularly intense for Aries, Taurus, Leo, and Libra. While it’s a great time to end things with a date, try being sweet with your delivery. Embody the charm and care of one of your Libra friends, regardless of your sign.

October 2023

Eclipse season is back this month and has some “destined meet-ups” on the agenda. The people who enter your life now come with a well-defined purpose and might teach you something important for your growth. Pay attention, especially during the second part of October. Mars—the ruling planet of sex and masculine energy—will test you this month. Instead of seeking high-energy activities, rest and practice self-care.

  • September 26 – October 11: Mars conjunct the Lunar South Node in Libra – Many people will feel tired and could experience low libido, when someone might cancel a date or turn down your flirtations. It’s not you—masculine energy is low now, so don’t take things personally.
  • October 8: Venus enters Virgo – Pleasure-seeker Venus is not happy in Virgo for the next three weeks. Singles might want to focus on other endeavors, like trying out new workouts or wellness practices. Couples should avoid having a picky attitude around neatness with their partners—especially Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.
  • October 11 – November 24: Mars enters Scorpio –Sex god, Mars, enters one of its favorite zodiac signs, sultry Scorpio! Get ready to harness all the pent-up sexual energy that’s about to burst out. If you’re single, seek a (safe and consensual) outlet, but remember that masturbation is never a bad option. If partnered, surprise your darling with a midday or midnight quicky. This planet-sign combo will effect all zodiac signs, but will have the strongest impact on Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
  • October 17: Juno enters Virgo – While the asteroid of marriage and commitment is in detail-oriented Virgo, it is the little things that matter. If already coupled up, strive to be the best partner you can be. If single, be picky and choose wisely—you are a hot commodity.

November 2023

November can be an interesting month for those who allow themselves to go deep. This month is ruled by Scorpio, the zodiac sign with a strong connection to sex. However, this type of sex is not surface level; it’s the type of interaction that runs deep. Established or new couples can really get close together by deeply focusing on giving each other pleasure. Meanwhile, singles are most likely playing for keeps now.

  • November 8: Venus enters Libra – This planet-sign combination is the epitome of true connection. The result? You’ll want to invest more time in your relationships, not only romantic, but all kinds. The next three weeks are lucky for singles, so get out there and mingle during this highly social time.
  • November 13: New Moon in Scorpio – This is a liberating lunar event in which a lot of zodiac signs will seek excitement and out-of-the-ordinary experiences. Let your hair down and get kinky now while the energy is ideal for coloring outside the lines. The relationships that begin now will have a spontaneous and freedom-loving vibe to them.
  • November 24: Mars enters Sagittarius –Sex goes from deep and intense to fun and exciting during this time. Couples are inspired by a sense of adventure and experiencing new things together. Singles might find that there are only so many people they can date in one weekend. Try pacing yourself, especially if you are an Aries, Gemini, Leo, or Sagittarius.

December 2023

December could be either a dream or a bit difficult—it all depends on the type of openness and awareness you have created in your relationships. If you have been avoiding truths, this could be a confusing month. Those who have healthy boundaries and are deeply in love, however, may live it up in December, as there will be romantic moments ahead. That said, Mercury goes retrograde mid-month, so try communicating as clearly as possible.

  • December 4: Venus enters Scorpio –This planet-sign combination could make you possessive and suspicious in love, making it crucial that you stay aware of the reasons behind your actions. Singles should avoid committing solely for the need to receive attention.
  • December 9: Eros returns to Pisces – The desire to go back to an ex-lover could creep in for singles as the cosmic erotic god, Eros, returns to the place it was between June 11 and July 11. Think twice, especially if you are a Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces.
  • December 29: Venus enters Sagittarius – The year ends on a fun and adventurous note as the pleasure goddess encourages you to not take relationships so seriously. Couples should go on a romantic trip at some point in the next three weeks, and singles should keep their options open and date people from other walks of life.
  • December 30: Jupiter goes direct in Taurus – With the planet of luck, expansion, and connection going direct and being super-charged in the sky around this time, New Year’s Eve is ideal for popping the question. Not even Mercury retrograde can ruin your high now!


Narayana Montúfar is an astrologer, artist, and writer who finds inspiration in the symbolic language of astrology. She is the author of Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power. Narayana currently serves as the Senior Astrologer of &, and her work has been featured in numerous lifestyle publications including Vogue, Teen Vogue, Refinery29, InStyle, Brit+Co, Bustle, PopSugar, Cosmpolitan, Romper, and more. She was also featured as one of’s Authority Magazine 2020’s Strong Female Leaders, Destig Magazine’s Top Artists to Collect in 2020, and one of Vogue’s 13 Astrologers to Follow in 2021.

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