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Cate Campbell has spent most of her professional swimming career trying to find a way to manage her periods.

And through that process, she’s discovered what can go wrong without access to the right information or women’s health professionals.

“We are so precise about every other aspect of our training, from our physical to our mental health, to our nutrition to our recovery,” Campbell told ABC Sport.

“Why is this an area that has been neglected for so long?”

‘Didn’t feel like myself’ on the pill

Swimming Cate Campbell diving off the blocks.
Campbell has opened up about the challenges she’s faced with managing her period throughout her career.(Getty Images: Tom Pennington)

The four-time Olympic champion experienced “patchy” periods which would often appear during competitions, and her weight would fluctuate during her menstrual cycle.

In 2012, she reached out to Swimming Australia for help and was advised to talk to her gynaecologist, who prescribed her the pill.

“I had a really bad experience with that — I put on five kilos, I felt foggy, I didn’t feel like myself,” Campbell said.

“Over the year that I was on it, I could say that I was slipping into a bit more of a depressed state, which I know a lot of women talk about.”

Campbell came off the pill and started talking to fellow swimmers about how they managed their periods.

They recommended a progesterone-only bar which sits inside the arm.

She had it inserted in 2018, but it didn’t work for her, so went back to her GP to have it removed soon after.

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